ePARmed-X+, PAR-Q+, risk stratification, exercise, physical activity


This page contains the current CONSENSUS PANEL APPROVED AND OFFICIAL versions of the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone (PAR-Q+) and the ePARmed-X+ Physician Clearance Form


Please note that we do not retain copies of completed PAR-Q+ or the Q-AAP+ forms.  Often clients using the PAR-Q+ or Q-AAP+ forms will be asked to share the completed form with a third party (such as a qualified exercise professional and/or community/fitness center) that may retain a copy of the form for their records. This is a confidential relationship between the client and the third party. Please do not send completed forms to our organization. Any document(s) sent to our team in error will be deleted immediately without notice to ensure the confidentiality of information.


The following link contains the current consensus-panel approved version of the PAR-Q+.

Fillable PAR-Q+

We have also created a fillable version of the PAR-Q+ for clients and qualified exercise professionals to use.*

*Please note that if you are using a MAC computer and the default PREVIEW program, you should save the file “as PDF” to ensure that all of the selected icons remain. 1) Click File 2) Click Export as PDF 

We will post future versions of the PAR-Q+ on this website as further evidence-based revision of these documents are made. This site is the authoritative resource for the current evidence-based and consensus panel approved version of the PAR-Q+. This is the current approved ENGLISH version of the PAR-Q+.


We are pleased to announce that a French version of the PAR-Q+ (the Q-AAP+ (Questionnaire sur l’aptitude à l’activité physique pour tous)) has recently been created and examined. We are indebted to the various individuals and organizations that made this possible. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the work of the Canadian Forces in the translation of the PAR-Q+ and the related ePARmed-X+.

The following link contains the current consensus-panel approved version of the Q-AAP+.

Fillable Q-AAP+

We have also created a fillable version of the Q-AAP+ for clients and qualified exercise professionals to use.

We will post future versions of the Q-AAP+ on this website as further evidence-based revision of these documents are made. This site is the authoritative resource for the current evidence-based and consensus panel approved version of the Q-AAP+. This is the current approved version of the Q-AAP+.


Through our systematic approach and knowledge translation activities it became apparent that there are distinct differences in the terminology, understanding (i.e., health literacy), the training of health professionals (including qualified exercise professionals), and referral processes that needed to be considered in each region. As such, we have partnered with various international authorities to ensure that an appropriate, evidence-based document is available to the general population.

We are pleased to highlight the various translations that have been created for the PAR-Q+ and/or ePARmed-X+. Please note that these translations are provided courtesy of third parties. Translations of the PAR-Q+ and/or ePARmed-X+ into languages other than English are intended solely as a convenience to the non-English-reading public and are not legally binding.

Important: Do not begin a translation of the PAR-Q+ and/or ePARmed-X+ into any foreign language(s) until you have:

  • Contacted the PAR-Q+ Collaboration and completed the relevant Application to Translate and Validate Form; and
  • Received written permission from the PAR-Q+ Collaboration to proceed with the translation.
  • Before downloading any of the translations, please read our Terms and Conditions.

Current Translated Documents: Other Languages

Owing to the gracious contributions of volunteers and researchers from around the world we are proud to provide links to documents that contain translations of the current PAR-Q+ in several foreign languages.

The PAR-Q+ Collaboration and its partner organizations offer these links as a service to the broader international community with the goal of reducing the barriers to physical activity participation for individuals from across the world. We sincerely hope that you find these interpretations to be of value.

While the partner organization(s)/individual(s) responsible for these translations attempted to remain true to the official English language version, we recognize that the translated versions of the PAR-Q+ materials (and related resources) presented in these documents may not be as accurate, clear, or complete as the official English version. The official version of the PAR-Q+ document (and related resources) is the English version. Please use the translated versions accordingly. We welcome your advice on clear, evidence-based areas for improvement. When in doubt, we ask that clients seek the guidance of qualified exercise professionals and/or physicians within their local community related to pre-participation screening.

Translation Approval Process

Our team is currently seeking international partners interested in translating the PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+ into various languages and platforms. We have a research team in place to assist with the validation of these forms. Please feel free to contact our team if you are interested in assisting with the translation of the PAR+ and/or ePARmed-X+ into other languages. Please note that a formal approval process is required.

ePARmed-X+ Physician Clearance Follow-Up

The new Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone (PAR-Q+) and the new online electronic Physical Activity Readiness Medical Examination (ePARmed-X+) pre-participation clearance strategy reduces markedly the barriers to physical activity participation for everyone. This new strategy includes paper and online versions of the PAR-Q+ and the online ePARmed-X+. At the end of the ePARmed-X+ process, it is possible that the participant is advised to consult a physician to discuss the various options regarding becoming more physically active. In this instance, the participant will be required to receive medical clearance for physical activity from a physician. Until this medical clearance is received, the participant is restricted to low intensity physical activity/exercise participation. A specially designed form (i.e., the ePARmed-X+ Physician Clearance Follow-up) has been created to assist physicians in the physical activity/exercise participation clearance process.

The following link contains the current consensus-panel approved version of the ePARmed-X+ Physician Clearance Follow-up: ePARmed-X+ Physician Clearance Form. This form was originally published in the the Health & Fitness Journal of Canada.

Citation: Warburton DER, Jamnik VK, Bredin SSD, Gledhill N. The ePARmed-X+ Physician Clearance Follow-up. Health & Fitness Journal of Canada 2014;7(2):35-38. https://doi.org/10.14288/hfjc.v7i2.183

6 thoughts on “PRINT VERSIONS”

    1. “I want to convey my sincere gratitude to the original authors of PAR-Q+, my guide, all the translators and expert panel members and all the participants for the translated work”.   Dr. Mansi Shingala.

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Global Leader in Pre-Participation Screening for Safe Exercise and Physical Activity!