Welcome to the PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+ Online!

Welcome to the current Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone (PAR-Q+) and electronic Physical Activity Readiness Medical Examination (ePARmed-X+). On behalf of the PAR-Q+ Collaboration we look forward to providing unparalleled access to leading international organizations and related resources for reducing the barriers to physical activity/exercise participation, and promoting the health benefits of physical activity/exercise.

Please feel free to use the following links to access directly the online PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+ programs. The paper version of the English North American PAR-Q+ can also be found in our documents section.

Link to PARQ+

ePARmed-X+ Icon

3 thoughts on “Welcome to the PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+ Online!”

  1. This tool is invaluable to help us understand if we are ready to be phuysically active; it will also advise us to seek medical help if indicated! All about our safety

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Enhancing the clearance for physical activity and exercise participation for everyone!