General Questions

Category: General Questions
YES. The current PAR-Q+ is found on this website and is under the direction of the PAR-Q+ Collaboration. The PAR-Q+ continues the legacy of the original PAR-Q seeking to reduce the barriers to physical activity participation for everyone. Each year, a revised version is released that addresses recent advancements in the literature. Agencies from throughout the world continue to use and endorse the PAR-Q+. We are indebted to their ongoing contributions to making the PAR-Q+ the best possible pre-participation screening and risk stratification tool.
Category: General Questions

In order to change an answer you will have to go to the beginning of these surveys. We do not store your information on the computer you are using to do the online PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+ surveys. This is to protect your privacy on shared computers. We anticipate that many centres will use a shared computer to allow participants to use the online PAR-Q+ and the ePARmed-X+.

Category: General Questions

For most individuals it is NOT necessary to fill out both the PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+. The majority of people will be cleared for physical activity using the PAR-Q+ and therefore will not need the ePARmed-X+. In certain instances, people will be referred to the ePARmed-X+ for further questions to determine their readiness to become more physically active.

Category: General Questions

YES, it is possible to complete the PAR-Q+ online, and then print off the clearance recommendation form at the end of the survey process.

Category: General Questions

At the end of the online PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+ you will be able print off your specific recommendations. Most people will print off this document and sign the paper copy. However, some may prefer to sign and save this document electronically. There are a variety of online tools that can be used to electronically sign and save this as a pdf document. For instance, Adobe provides a free online program that allows you to sign a PDF using an e-signature. Once you have signed the form you can download your completed form or get a link to share your PDF electronically with others. https://www.adobe.com/ca/acrobat/online/sign-pdf.html 

Category: General Questions

It is likely that community and leisure centres will have you complete a paper version of the PAR-Q+ for their records. However, you may also complete the online PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+ surveys and get a form to print off and sign in front of a witness. This form will outline the recommendations and also provide a place for your signature.

Category: General Questions

If your condition is not listed on the PAR-Q+ or ePARmed-X+ you will receive a general recommendation to visit your physician and/or a qualified exercise professional. This does not necessarily mean that you are at an increased risk for an adverse event when becoming more physically active, nor does it mean that you should stop doing physical activity. What it means is that the evidence regarding your condition has not been fully examined. In the future, your chronic condition may be included on our screening forms. However, until that time we recommend that you visit your physician and/or a qualified exercise professional to make sure that it is safe to become more physically active.

Category: General Questions

Throughout the world, there are several resources for you to become more physically active for those with and without chronic medical conditions. The World Health Organization is a great resource for individuals from around the world for physical activity and other lifestyle behaviour advice.  Physical Activity Services at HealthLinkBC also has extensive resources regarding physical activity and healthy living for individuals of all ages and those with chronic medical conditions. Other example agencies that provide evidence-based information include the American College of Sports Medicine (USA), ParticipACTION (Canada), Canadian Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (Canada), and the International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (ICCPR).

Category: General Questions

Recently, the term qualified exercise professional was developed and operationally defined by our research team to clarify those qualified to work with various populations, including those with chronic medical conditions. In the context of working with higher risk clients, qualified exercise professionals would be individuals that have received university training in the exercise sciences or kinesiology (with advanced clinical training) currently possessing valid national certification for work with apparently healthy individuals and persons living with chronic medical conditions. Throughout the world there are various agencies that sanction and certify qualified exercise professionals.

Category: General Questions

A personal trainer may not necessarily be considered a qualified exercise professional in the context of the referrals/recommendations given by the PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+. This will depend upon his/her certification, education, training, and examination process. Further clarification from a particular certifying body is recommended to ensure that the personal trainer is appropriately trained to deal with your individual condition.

Category: General Questions

The risk stratification strategy is based on evidence that involved qualified exercise professionals working in stringently controlled settings. The risks of exercise have been shown to be low in research in both apparently healthy individuals and persons living with chronic medical conditions when working with qualified personnel. However, the current evidence indicates cautions when seeking the advice of individuals that have not attained this level of training (particularly for those with chronic medical conditions).

Category: General Questions

This depends on your goals. Most forms of exercise can be done with little or no equipment. You do not need to go to a gym to achieve the health benefits of physical activity; however, many find organized fitness classes as a good way of becoming physically active. We understand that some people are not comfortable in a gym or do not wish to pay membership fees. All of our recommendations are based on activities that you can do with minimal equipment. Feel free to consult a qualified exercise professional for advice on how to become physically active without having to spend a lot of money (e.g., https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/physical-activity).

Category: General Questions

We are currently working together with experts from around the world to make sure that the needs of as many people as possible are met. The first round of development was based on addressing physical activity/exercise clearance for various prominent chronic medical conditions (and pregnancy) that affect a large portion of society. Our efforts are ongoing and it is hoped that this process will lead to the inclusion of other conditions as the systematic reviews of the literature become available. A systematic review team is working together with researchers throughout the world to develop systematic reviews that meet the needs of the new risk stratification and physical activity clearance strategy. If you are interested in assisting with this process please contact our team: eparmedx@gmail.com

International Collaborations

International Forms & Collaborations

We appreciate greatly your interest in the PAR-Q+ and ePARmed-X+. These forms are currently being translated into various languages in partnership with leading international authorities and organizations. We will be posting updated versions of these translations in the near future. If you are interested in participating in the ongoing translation efforts please contact our research team (email: eparmedx@gmail.com).

Privacy Statement

Category: Privacy Statement

The PAR-Q+ does do not store any personal information related to our forms. We have included our Collection Notice (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Statement). Third party organizations or individuals that store personal information should include a Collection Notice and FOIP statement.

We have recently updated our recommendations to highlight these requirements (see below).

Collection Notice (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Statement)

The PAR-Q+ Collaboration is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and safeguarding their personal information in accordance with applicable privacy laws, including the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).

The PAR-Q+ Collaboration provides the PAR-Q+ for the international community to assist in pre-participation screening. The PAR-Q+ Collaboration does not store or share any personal data related to the printed PAR-Q+ forms. A completed PAR-Q+ form sent to the PAR-Q+ Collaboration in error is deleted or shredded without notice.

The paper PAR-Q+ form is designed to be completed by clients for pre-participation screening purposes who may then opt to share confidential information with a third party. The information will be often used for the purpose of pre-participation screening for physical activity or sports participation, exercise testing, and/or exercise training. The third party may retain a copy of this form for records. In these instances, it will maintain the confidentiality of the same, complying with applicable law.

The personal information that you provide to a third party (such as a qualified exercise professional, recreation program, and/or exercise facility) is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act – section 33(c). Collected personal information is protected from unauthorized access, collection, use, and disclosure in accordance with the FOIP Act and can be reviewed upon request subject to the provisions under the Act.

Questions regarding the collection of personal information should be directed to the respective third party storing this information. We have included example Collection Notice and Privacy Statements that third party organizations may use as a template.

Example Collection Notice (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Statement) for Qualified Exercise Professionals, Fitness Centres, Recreation Programs, and Sporting Programs

Brief FOIP Notification Statement Example (if collecting personal information)

The personal information that you provide to [insert name of exercise professional or organization] is collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act – section 33(c). The personal information collected in the paper PAR-Q+ survey is for the purpose of pre-participation screening physical activity and sports participation, exercise training, and/or exercise testing. The survey results may be used to inform decision-making and improve services related to physical activity and sports participation, exercise training, and/or exercise testing. Collected personal information is protected from unauthorized access, collection, use, and disclosure in accordance with the FOIP Act and can be reviewed upon request subject to the provisions under the Act. Questions regarding the collection of personal information can be directed to:

  • Title –
  • Department –
  • Phone –
  • Email –
  • Website (if available)

Full FOIP Notification Statement Example (if collecting personal information)

Purpose of Collection: The personal information collected in the paper PAR-Q+ survey is for the purpose of pre-participation screening physical activity and sports participation, exercise training, and/or exercise testing. The survey results may be used to inform decision-making and improve services related to physical activity and sports participation, exercise training, and/or exercise testing.

Types of Personal Information Collected: The types of personal information collected may include, but are not limited to, name, signature, and information related to medical conditions that provide additional insight into the best course of action related to physical activity and sports participation, exercise training, and/or exercise testing. This questionnaire will also tell you whether it is necessary to seek further advice from your doctor OR a qualified exercise professional before becoming more physically active.

Use and Disclosure: Personal information collected in this survey will be used and disclosed for the purposes stated above or as otherwise permitted or required by law. Survey responses may be aggregated or anonymized for analysis and reporting purposes. Individual responses will be kept confidential to the extent possible.

Safeguarding Personal Information: [Your Organization’s Name] takes reasonable measures to safeguard personal information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. Access to personal information is restricted to authorized personnel who require access for legitimate business purposes.

Access and Correction: Individuals have the right to request access to their personal information collected in this survey and to request corrections if they believe that their personal information is inaccurate or incomplete. Requests for access or corrections should be directed to [insert contact information for privacy officer or designated individual].

Retention: Personal information collected in this survey will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, or as required by law. After the survey results have been analyzed and reported, personal information will be securely disposed of.

Consent: By completing and submitting this paper survey, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Collection Notice and applicable privacy laws.

Contact Information: If you have any questions or concerns about the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information in this survey, or if you wish to exercise your rights regarding your personal information, please contact [insert contact information for privacy officer or designated individual].

Enhancing the clearance for physical activity and exercise participation for everyone!