Contact Us

Please contact the our team if you require assistance:

General inquiries: eparmedx AT
Project Director: darren.warburton.lab AT
Web-Related Issues: kai.kaufman AT

Phone: 1-604-822-1337

Please note that we do not retain copies of completed PAR-Q+ or the Q-AAP+ forms.  Any documents sent to our team in error will be deleted immediately without notice to ensure the confidentiality of information. Often clients using the PAR-Q+ or Q-AAP+ forms will be asked to share the completed form with a third party (such as a qualified exercise professional and/or community/fitness center) that may retain a copy of the form for their records. This is a confidential relationship between the client and the third party. Please do not send completed forms to our organization.

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Global Leader in Pre-Participation Screening for Safe Exercise and Physical Activity!